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Publishing Strategy for Entreprenuers

A nonfiction publishing expert with heart.

I am Chrissy Wiginton, a nonfiction publishing strategist for entrepreneurs who are ready to write (and publish!) a book that boosts their career, amplifies their impact, and super-serves their readers.

Before starting Publish With Clarity, I spent more than a decade developing best-selling nonfiction books for the Smithsonian.

I’m a book lover (surprise, surprise!) and love exploring new places, stationary, yoga, interior design, tiny homes, quietude in nature, and glittering cocktail parties. I think that exclamation marks are underrated and that semicolons are seriously overrated. People describe me as enthusiastic, creative, and insightful.

Wondering what a publishing strategy is, and why you need one?


If you’re ready to figure out the best way to write and publish your book, but don’t know where to get started, you’re in the right place! Here are a couple of ways we can work together to develop a publishing strategy that is just right for your book and your goals.


Virtual Workshop

D.I.Y. Publishing Strategy

Learn the basics of nonfiction publishing and explore the 5 key questions that are the foundation of every publishing decision in this self-paced virtual workshop.

PLUS a free 30-minute 1:1 Nonfiction Publishing Consult as a completion bonus.

Perfect for folks who have a great book idea, but don’t know how to get started.


1:1 Coaching

Nonfiction Publishing Consult

Get live support during these client-led 60-minute sessions. These sessions are a great complement to the D.I.Y. Publishing Strategy Workshop!

Great for the generally curious and to get targeted ongoing support.



Podcast Interviews

Do you work in the nonfiction publishing space? Do we serve a similar audience? Keen to interview me on your podcast? Other ideas about collaborating?

I’d love to hear from you!


Here’s what clients have to say:

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“Chrissy is a phenomenal book mentor! She gave me the confidence to explore multiple ideas and practical tools to start developing and nurturing my book project right away. Game Changer! Thank you!”

Jennifer Garcia, Founder of Best Resume Coach, Austin, TX,

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“Thanks again for sharing your valuable expertise with me; I learned so much from you yesterday, and then from the process of talking to the publisher who wanted me to write a book for them. That call went well because of what you taught me. Your content lit a fire under me to finish and publish the three books I've already partially written.”

Heather Ambler,


“My first Publishing Strategy Session with Chrissy was amazing. I learned so much and was so inspired. I am fired up! This was so validating and helpful and just exactly what I need right now to get started!”

Alia Khan, Founder of Oak & Lotus Yoga Studios and Yoga For Real Bodies On-Demand Video Library, Austin, TX,

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“During the Publishing Strategy Session you asked me many questions that I would have never thought about. Although daunting, our session made the project seem very possible! I would absolutely recommend this service to someone who is exploring writing a book.”

Gina Schaefer, Retailer


“Before I booked the Publishing Strategy Session I wasn’t sure if I was even ready. I've wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember but haven't started writing yet. The session somehow took the pressure off because I know now that when I get serious about writing there is quality support out there. It also made me realize that if I actually sat down to think of a plan and an outline, I wouldn’t be starting from nowhere. I actually have some content that I'd be passionate enough to write a book about.”

Inge Broer, Energy Healer, Montreal, Canada,

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“Thank you for all of your guidance and support during our Publishing Strategy Session. You made us feel much more at ease about the book and the potential that it could really be out there in the world one day. We very much appreciate the tangible next steps you suggested. Without you our newly published book, Working with Worry, may not have come to life!”

Melissa L. Kilbride, LICSW, Washington, DC,

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“I wasn’t sure if I was ready to book a Publishing Strategy Session, in terms of having enough work/prep done, or being ready to say I was actually writing a book! The call helped me develop a wider perspective about what I want to create (not just content but the spirit or ethos of the book). I appreciated the mixture of specific suggestions like making a mind map to help me conceptualize the themes, with inspiration and support. It was really helpful to share ideas with someone who has deep knowledge of the publishing process and can give vetted suggestions and advice.”

Sara Van Note, Writer and Educator, Albuquerque, NM

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“Chrissy has a deep well of knowledge and experience with book publishing, and as an editor has shepherded many writers through the writing and development process. She's encouraging but realistic, analytical but thoughtful, able to see the big picture but invested in the details. Her coaching gave me some concrete strategies for moving forward when I felt stuck.”

Elizabeth B., Washington, DC

If you’re ready to leverage expert guidance to develop an effective and actionable publishing plan for your nonfiction book, the D.I.Y. Publishing Strategy is a great place to start!